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When I wrote the Marsh Land Iraqis would be the least of the polluted natives of Iraq, he stated that Iraq was invaded by many cultures.
* Yes but those in isolated places would still be the least polluted.
For the invaders (of another race) to influence changes in the native Iraqis appearance, they would have to be different in appearance.
Yes, Greeks had a large segment of much lighter people.. even white, so
* The dark brown/black faces of the Iraqis in the marsh lands are not caused by the influx of 'white invaders'. The segment of Iraqis who's descendants are lighter are the cause of lighter invaders. The segment of darker (higher %) of Iraqis is because they are the least mixed.
The only other people who the Iraqis mixed with was middle east Arabs who came from Iraqis in the first place and Negroes of Africa that did NOTHING to make them darker than they already were.
If you want to know what the norm was for the middle east, look for the rule of thumb. What color does the over whelming majority reflect?
Like wise if you want to know what Europe looked like before natives of the middle east and Africa were brought there, look at the earliest paintings of Europeans.

Here is a bunch of English royalty

On the bottom I have henryx.bmp and henryy.bmp. Guess which of these kings is Henry the 8th and which is an African king.
Forget the modern day pictures, go back in the earliest European history at the early color paintings. Tell me what % of dark brown/black Arab or Negro faces you see in Early European paintings.

Here is another famous painting (Van Dyck) of the 4 Musketeers.

But wait, there were only 3 Musketeers. Which guy do you think would better fit in The Arabian Knights fairy stories?
Let me guess, the only difference you see is one guy has a smile, Right ?

(Note: in the top picture of English royalty. Almost all paintings were made in an actual sitting with the artist. In the case of the very first kings of England, I am not sure if they were even created in the life time of the kings. You have to find pictures painted by an artist who was looking at the cat they were painting.
Other paintings would be the artist imagination of what the guy might have looked like.. like all the white boys in religious paintings of people in the bible. Michael Angelo )

