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Egyptians’, Eugen Strouhal, Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma
Press, 1992, p.53)
"A common good luck charm was the eye of Horus, the so-called Wedjat Eye.
The eye is always blue, and the word "wedjat" means "blue"
in Egyptian
Here is a picture of ancient King Hor. This very same picture and version
is on many web sites. Let's make some observations.
1 On top of this statue looks like a hat with a couple hands sticking up
2 There is a big dent on this cheek (it can be seen easier on the picture
3 There appears to be a long vertical crack on this cheek
4 In the area outlined in purple on the right picture, is a stained area on the statue. It looks like copper oxide in appearance. It has a blue tint.
5 The eyes appear to be a very bright blue.
6 In the close up shot below, the eyes appear to be made of a translucent
material, something like glass.
BLUE EYES.. In the picture below, the shots from the top and left are from
BROWN EYES .. On this web page the eyes are brown
This is the very same statue, it has (1) the hands sticking up and (2) the
dent on the cheek, but does not have the long vertical crack (3)
Other than the missing crack (3), the wood (if that is what it is) is a much
lighter color and it does not have the (4) blue copper appearing stains. I do
NOT know what the stain is, it is just the color of cording copper.
6 The eyes appear to be made of glass (or a really great paint job). If they
are not just a paint job, then one would have to find out what the eyes were
made of and see if that material existed in the time of King Hor.
In the top and left shot, comparing the profile shot with the straight on
shot, note how the eyes turn from bright blue to a gray. Reminds me of some
marbles I had as a kid, the color of the glass
would change by the lighting.
Comparing the shots in the last picture, there is one of two things we could assume.
* The lighter version of the statue, bottom and right are a the restored version where the crack was filled, the wood cleaned up to make it lighter and the blue residue removed ... IF so, then how would cleaning it up, change the eyes from blue to brown.. unless that blue stain had saturated the eyes.
* The other possible reason for the change of appearance in this statue is:
The lighter version (bottom / right) is what it looked like before an accident
when it was stored. While being stored it was dropped and the face was
cracked. While in storage in a moist place the wood was darkened and it was
exposed to some element with a blue tint.
* The last possible reason (I can think of ) why this statue changed it's appearance is because some forger with an agenda, altered one of the images.
7 I would guess, that some where there are other statues and/or paintings of Hor. If indeed they do exist and all the painted eyes were blue, we could go along with the blue eye story... but if there are gobs of statues, paintings and Hor's eyes are all brown, then out the window with the blue eye caper.
IF / WHEN there are multiple painted images of the same person, the best way to assess the original colors is to find the color that is repeated over and over. (Like in the picture of the statue of Nefertiti), there is one famous statue of her depicted almost "white" but in the gobs of other statues/paintings of her, she is definite brown to very dark brown. If you have some agenda you will pick out the one that tells your story and shove the rest under the rug.
If you are looking for truth, you will make your conclusion by putting all
the data (images) together and look through ALL of the eyes of the original
artist while they created the images.
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