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Of all the images I have seen where "whites" find images to
"prove Egyptians were white", they all have possible explanations.
Some how they never include these statues which are harder to explain.
There are many internet pictures of this couple. Depending on which picture
you look at the guy is different in colors, but they are all pretty close.
The first thing one would do is to see if they can find out who the couple
is, then see if there are other images of the woman
which show her to be dark brown.
As in the pictures of Queen Neph... one statue has her almost white while
other pictures show her to be dark brown .. or one close up of Tut is a
reddish brown and another statue of him is almost black.
If there are no other pictures of this woman, showing her to be brown/black,
then you can consider the possibility that she was white.
One thing I have noted of the lighter color Egyptians
on this page and others, when they appear to be lighter, they have
black hair, no light hair.
In the pictures of possible lighter hair (as the
"blond mummies") in the paintings of them in life, they had brown
eyes and dark brown skin.
The caption for the Egyptian family below left, identifies them as an
Egyptian family. Note in this possible "mixed race" union, each of
the kids came out a different race.
Look to the right at OJ's lips then look at the lips of Negroes in early films
or look at isolated Negro tribes today. It appears to me that OJ may indeed be
a Euro/Negro mix?
For argument's sake lets just assume OJ has no European ancestors, so what
happened when he (mixed or pure Negro) produced children with a
"white" European woman?
a) The daughter is lighter. (unless she uses
chemicals) she does not have very kinky hair.
b) The son is of a color of the rest of the Africans.
He has kinky hair just like other African
Here in America we have a day time smut show where teen age girls try to find
out which of two or 3 men are the father of their babies.
In the mixed unions of Europeans and Negroes, the children come out in a range
of European to Negro in physical appearance.. or some mix in between.
For this argument we will say these statues prove there were white Egyptians,
then say ok if that is true, then ...
c) White supremacist use these white images to prove Egyptians were white, so
if the light images prove Egyptians were white, then
the dark brown/black images prove the Egyptians were brown/black.
d) If the hue of the image proves different races, then do your own survey. Go
into the same burial chamber, look at every painted image and over 95% of the
faces are brown/black. (Only my wild guess.. which amounts to BS), now
do your survey and make your own observation what
% of the painted images of Egyptians were non whites?
e) If these light images show that a white race ( a much smaller population)
lived in Egypt with a brown race, then that would prove that
being minority race living among others of another race for centuries does NOT
turn the race of your descendants into the race of the majority... and
of course the Egyptian races mixed.. but the minority race never vanished.
f) In the statue of this Egyptian family, it would prove the children of a
mixed couple (1) some times comes out white (2) some times comes out brown (3)
some times comes out a mix of both races. Never will
offspring's of mixed race all turn out to be of just one of the races.
When pre WW2 films of Germany come on, I encourage every one to watch just to
see what % of Negro faces they can see. I ask them to look at all the footage
of prison camps and find the Negro "Jews".
Look at the pre-WW2 films for 10 hours, then find some videos of German cities
today where American bases had been established after the war.
Look in these German cities after America stationed Negroes there. With in 20
years after WW2, those little brown face Germans began to pepper the cities
where American soldiers were stationed.
Those who call themselves Jews, have a big population of Negroes in Africa
they call Ethiopian Jews... NO whites in the early films, only Negroes.
If the Israelites were a composite of whites, Arabs and Negroes
* Where are the white "Jews" in the early films of the
"Ethiopian Jews"?
* If the Israelites migrated into Europe, where are all the brown face Arab
* If the Israelites migrated into Europe, where are the black face Jews in the
pre WW2 films of "Jews"?
If indeed there was a minority of white Egyptians (do your own comparison of
black to white faces) that married the much darker (brown/black) Egyptians...
then living among a people of another color, producing children with them,
never eliminated the minority color ... so explain how a
predominately brown/black face native people of the middle east migrated into
Germany and Poland, but today you can not tell them from any of the rest of
the white face Europeans?
If Israelites were a composite of whites and Negroes,
explain how "some of the Israelites migrated to
Ethiopia" but there were no white Caucasians in the population of
"the Ethiopian Jews"?
If "White groups" are now going to use the light color paintings to
prove Egyptians were white, then from those same burial chambers they will
know almost all ancient Egyptians were non whites.
It is quite fun to play "ancient white
Egyptians" to expose the hoax of "White supremacist" and
the European cult which calls themselves "Jews".
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