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European Jews' vs 'Ethiopian Jews'
NO it is not only color that is the difference
between Negroes (Ethiopians) and white European Caucasians or brown Arab
Caucasians, there are biological differences...
thicknesses of bones, thickness of skin and diseases
(cyclical anemia, I think) exclusive to Negroes that neither Arabs nor
Europeans can contract.
Arabs a subset of Caucasians, but there are also
biological differences between Arabs and Caucasians of north western Europe.
Top left, an Ethiopian woman on a bus.
Top right, Ethiopians with Israel in the background
Middle left Ethiopians (I think in Ethiopia)
Middle, middle Ethiopian woman
Middle right, Ethiopian woman in Ethiopia
Bottom left, Ethiopians in Ethiopia
Bottom right, Ethiopians on a plane coming to Israel
Top, Jews in a synagogue in America.
Bottom left, Jew woman in America
Bottom right, tattoo Jew
Of course all these American "Jews" came from Europe.
If I did not bother to tell you which came from America or Europe and which
are "Ethiopian" Jews how long would it take you to figure it out?
Remember in the assertions of the Europeans calling
themselves "Jews" they and the Ethiopians are the descendants of the
same Israelites.
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