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Iraqis of the Marsh Lands compared to "Jews" who came from Europe
The "Jews" in this picture would have fit right in with the fair skin 'Aryan' Nazi youth groups. As for the milk face "Jews" in the synagogues, look to the European Druids and compare their DNA. Look at the white naked bodies in the Nazi prison camps and look at the faces of these "Jews". Make your own comparison.
These Iraqi boys have the faces of the Arab Israelites. Of course Abraham and Sarah came out of Iraq.
Isaac married a Syrian to produce Jacob/Israel then again the 4 mothers of the 12 princes of Israel came from Syrians.
Genesis 12:5 Lot was the nephew of Abraham who came from Iraq, who produced the Moabites and Ammoites .. whom were the ancestors of the Israelites.
Genesis 24:15 Rebekah.. Nahor Iraqi brother to Abraham
The brown skin of the kid with no shirt and the black hair common to the stock of the Chaldeans/Iraqis is indeed the stock of the Israelites. Such are the faces of the multitude that walked out of Egypt with Moses.