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The picture in the lower right is a cropped version of the picture in the
upper left. When I try to show faces, I like to zoom in. The back ground is not
I used tone balance to bring out the facial features in the close up version.
Having two different races "white Europeans"
and Arabs in the same picture is the ideal situation for a true comparison
Too bad they spent all that money to go to Iraq and did not send a qualified
photographer. When taking picture of scenery you have a lot less control, but
when you are shooting people there are several techniques.
When shooting people who are back lit, the simple use of fill in flash would
have brought out great detail in the faces. I suppose the other photographer was
in another boat and he needed to be far enough away to get the whole boat. Fill
in flash is quite effective at this distance
In correct lighting, this European's face color reflects the colors of the
early paintings of Europeans and the color of the Marsh Land Iraqi is that you
will find in ancient paintings of Babylonians to Egypt
In the upper right are 3 Iraqi kids who live in the Marsh Lands.
This is another example of poor photography. You can see the comparison in skin color between Europeans and Iraqis, but the photographer was attempting to create a record of the European.
Even my best attempt to bring out detail of the face with digital photography failed. Look to the right of the men's feet where the shadow is.
If they were turned so the sun was in their face, there would have been big
wrinkled squints. Here where there was no shade, they are turned in a good
direction, but the photographer lacked the simple trick of using fill in flash.
In the pictures I show you in different locations there is a great deal of poor
photography. You can look at the very same picture on many web sites and get
pictures of different colors and darkness.
If you have ever been in a department store with a row of TVs on the same
channel, you note how there are so many different hues... But the variables mean
nothing when you have a European beside a native in the middle east, under the
very same lighting, using the very same camera.
The difference you see in this Iraqi is the same difference that existed between
Europeans and the natives of the middle east from the time of Abraham until the
time of Christ.
The tricks of this European cult playing the DNA game has been exposed...
comparing themselves with themselves, but DNA can be the smoking gun.
The DNA we receive from our parents contains traits that are variables (or we
would all be identical twins), but our DNA also has traits that are constants.
These race traits.. pass on diseases we can get, thickness of our skin, what
color our skin will be at birth.
As they figure what markers produce traits that place people in a specific race,
the end game will be simple...
Find any existing DNA of the native people of Iraq from the time of Abraham,
until the time before the Europeans began to pollute the middle east.
Compare the race markers of the ancient Iraqis with the
natives of the middle east and with all who call themselves Jews and the world
will then know who belongs where.