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The picture in the upper left is an Iraqi girl who lives near the marsh lands
(now drained I think). She is the lightest girl I came across after looking at
hundreds of pictures.
Because I picked a very light Iraqi, I also picked one of the lighter Europeans
calling themselves Jews (lower left) to compare "light" to
In the same place the girl lives were the two Marsh Land Iraqis on the right.
The girl on the bottom middle is also a marsh land Iraqi. Many are almost black.
Below is a composite of Iraqis who live in the cities. They range from a light European appearance, to dark Arabs and Negroes in appearance
I have seen pictures of blond Iraqis, but they were so small in the pictures
I did not bother to capture them and blow them up in a grainy picture.
Those who live in cities have a higher concentration of Europeans appearance. Remember
both Alexandria and the Romans occupied Iraq for several centuries.
Of course the next step is to find images painted in the life time of
Alexandria and the Romans and find they had a pot load of white European faces.
You wanna see a high concentration of Mexicans mixed with English, Irish,
Europeans.. go to Texas. Want to see almost no Mexicans, go to New England.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out, any
group isolated from other race will retain a higher saturation of their original