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NO, these people do not all have sun tans, they are born with brown/black skin. They are not western Europeans, They are NOT Negroes, they are NOT Polynesians, they are NOT native Americans and they sure are NOT Eskimos... but there they are natives of the middle east in the millions.
Compare this guy with Woody Allen or Jerry Springer.
Look at the hours of
WW2 films in the piles of naked "Jews" at their milk white skin and compare them
with this guy.
Of course I am a guy telling a story, so I could be
leading you some where with a stacked deck, but if you are reading this in the
time I am writing it (while the US has troops in Iraq), simply watch the news
when they show the segments in Iraq.
Compare this guy with Joe Liberman.
When there is a large crowed of faces, it would not do any good for me to
capture them because little detail is seen in still capture and another thing is
you would have to trust that I am not creating pictures to tell my
Using your own guess-0-meter, every time you see the faces of Iraqis
in a crowed, write what % you would guess are NON WHITES. Keep track for
yourself. You can do it on paper or in a mental tab.
Links below are pop up pictures if you want to click on em you will not lose this page.
Compare this girl with the Ann Frank family.
We know this race of brown/black Caucasians did not migrate there from any other place on earth,
because they were not found outside the middle east when the Europeans went
to the islands of the seas, the Americas or any place else.
If you want to
use the evolution caper as how they came into existence, fine. If evolution is a
fact the bible is BS and there were never any things as Israelites.
to the scriptures man started out from Iraq, so here is the test. Find the most
ancient remains of ancient Iraqis and compare them with milk white Europeans
calling themselves Jews and the brown/black natives of the middle east.