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One person suggested that ancient Iraq was settled by many people. If the scriptures are true and every one on earth started out from Iraq, what kind of people but descendants of ancient Iraq could have settled there. "Culture" has nothing to do with physical heredity.
By looking at the time lines in various encyclopedias we know there were civilizations all over the earth centuries before Abraham. Abraham came from ancient Iraq and yet none of the remains of ancient Iraqis are that of other races that existed all over the world when Abraham got on the bus to Canaan.
The brown/black Caucasian race of the middle east are NOT a composite of Negroes and European Caucasians. You no more create an Arab by breeding a white European and a Negro than you create a hippo by breeding a monkey and a zebra. Arabs (brown/black Caucasians of the middle east) are a separate race.
There are numerous differences between Negroes and Caucasians... skin thickness, semen, pubic hair .. you need to watch some forensic science shows.
The Arab marsh dwellers are not white Europeans and they are not Negroes. If they are not the original people of Iraq, where did they come from? They are not Polynesians, they are not native Americans, I guess they came to the marsh lands from a flying saucer.
On the left of the picture above is a European calling herself a Jew "descendant of the natives of the middle east" and the other is an Iraqi woman who lives in the marsh lands/