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The faces of the natives of Iraq, the face of Abraham and the descendants of the Israelites. Natives of the middle east vs Europeans who call themselves 'Jews'.
iraq992 - The home of Abraham the Hebrew was in Ur of the
Chaldees on this map and here is a picture of the faces of the descendants of
that land compared to the faces of those who call themselves Jews. iraq992.htm
iraq993 - A European Rabbi n son vs the faces of a Marsh Land Iraqi n son iraq993.htm
iraq994 - The faces of these Iraqi boys are the faces of the Israelites who left
Egypt with Moses. The faces of the 'Jews' in the synagogues are the faces of the
ancestors of Stalin and Hitler. iraq994.htm
iraq995 - Arabs vs Europeans in the same lighting. An example of poor
photography, but great for an anthropology comparison. iraq995.htm
iraq996 - The faces of Iraqis (relatives of Abraham) compared to the European
'Jews" iraq996.htm
iraq997 - You can not pick out European 'Jews' from any other Europeans but you
can compare these early pictures of Europeans to early pictures of the natives
of the middle east. (So how could 'Jews' be the descendants of the natives of
the middle east?) iraq997.htm
iraq998 - Here are pictures of Iraqis (the stock of Abraham) from the nightly
news. Compare them with the faces of Europeans who call themselves Jews. iraq998.htm
iraq999 - Marsh Land Iraqis in their un polluted appearance. If 'Jews' came from
Abraham why are they a different race than the natives of Iraq? iraq999.htm
shem - The descendants of Shem did not end up in Israel, but they were scattered
through out the middle east and fought against the Israelites. To the left of
the map are Europeans calling themselves 'Jews' compared to actual natives of
the Iraq. Judge for yourself.
Yes, I agree this kind of from is like reading a book, you will
not be able to give your opposing arguments. If I am to keep cursing and name
calling out of the post, it is the only way I know how to do it.
For those who want to respond, there is a way to do
that. There is another completely uncensored group you can join to make your
counter arguments. If I see any counter arguments which do not contain personal
attacks and cursing, I will copy them to this group and respond to them.
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